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Automotive Air Filters Market Prevalent Opportunities upto 2
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PostPosted: 28 Sep 2019 10:35:20    Post subject:  Automotive Air Filters Market Prevalent Opportunities upto 2
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Automotive Air Filters Market Prevalent Opportunities upto 2020
by kedars · January 7
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, 2019

Air filters are essential component of an automotive which serves basically two purposes based on its type. There are two types of automotive air filters namely intake air filters and cabin air filters. Where the former acts as a barrier against foreign particles such as dust to enter engine鈥檚 combustion chamber, the latter restricts the entry of dust in the cabin of the vehicle through the vent of HVAC system. Non-performance of intake air filters may lead to inefficiency of engine and increase in its emission levels. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the vehicle user to clean it at regular intervals and replace it with new once it completes its lifetime.

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Automotive air filters have both OEM as well as replacement markets wherein the latter dominates the global sales. The automotive air filter market is driven by increasing demand for automobiles, strict emission norms and changing lifestyles. The increasing number of vehicles with air-conditioned cabins is boosting the market for cabin air filters. The increasing health consciousness of people wherein they require resistance from dust, pollution
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, harmful exhaust gases and other contaminants while driving is attracting the car users for the cars with cabin air filter. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), the urban outdoor air pollution causes about 1.3 million deaths every year worldwide. Apart from the developed countries, the developing countries are also becoming conscious about their safety from outdoor pollution which is a positive sign for the growth of cabin air filters market in the long term.

Based on vehicle type, automotive air filter market can be segmented under passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles. However
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, there exist certain restraints for automotive air filters market including large interval of their replacement in the developing countries and increasing market for duplicate automotive air filters.

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Growing per capita income in other Asian countries such as India is propelling the demand for passenger cars. On the other hand, the increasing industrialization and commerce in Asian countries are boosting the market for commercial vehicles which is driving the automotive air filters market in the region. Commercial vehicles in the developing countries need more care and maintenance as the quality of parts used in them is low as compared to the commercial vehicles manufactured in the developed countries. Moreover, due to less developed infrastructure the chances of entry of dust and dirt in the combustion compartment are high. Due to these factors, the replacement market in the developing markets including Asia Pacific is high as compared the developed countries. However, cabin air filters finds very less usage in commercial vehicles as the requirement for cabin convenience is very less in their case.

Among the regions
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, Asia Pacific dominated the global sales of automotive air filters followed by North America. China surpassed U.S. in 2010 to become the country with largest automotive population. Some of the key companies operating in automotive air filter market include AC Delco Inc., Affinia Group, Denso Corporation, Hengst GmbH and Company KG, Cummins Inc
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, Toyota Boshoku Corporation and Hollingsworth & Vose Company Inc.

Know More About Report@ Heard of LED lights before? I am sure you have, and even come across plenty of these lights when you are outdoors or even indoors. LED lights are fast turning into the most popular variant of lights out there today, and with good reason too. More and more people are opting for LED outdoor lights especially as they not only provide more illumination, they also help save your energy and electricity. LED outdoor lighting options are thus the more practical and cost-effective options available today.

One may ask why we need to switch to LEDs instead of sticking to our conventional lights. Let us now browse through the various reasons of why this substitution is necessary to not only benefit you, but also everyone around you and the environment as a whole:

1) LEDs are highly energy efficient items
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, as their power factors easily exceed 80%, and some even the 90% mark. The luminous efficiency of LED is recorded at approximately 70 to 100 lmw, making it amazingly energy efficient lights. Compared to incandescent lights, these figures are about 8 times better.

2) These lights are highly durable and last much longer than all other light forms. Most LEDs can last more than 100,000 hours with proper and careful use
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, even if they are utilized continuously. That translates into 11 years of continuous usage without failure. Amazing to say the least. And you can forget about maintenance when we speak about these lights, as they do not need to be maintained or worried about. Simply install them and leave them there, they will work for 11 years without fail.

3) There are a wide range of sizes and colors available to choose from, thus you are practically spoilt for choice when you opt for LED lights. This would also help in making your outdoor area more beautiful and colorful, and assist in enhancing the atmosphere during festivities such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. Choose from a myriad of colors such as red
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, blue, white, yellow, warm white and many other to lighten up your outdoors! You could also program these lights with jumpy changing patterns, or even gradually changing patterns if y.
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PostPosted: 28 Sep 2019 10:35:20    Post subject: Adv

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