Mims Apprendista


Joined: 05 Aug 2019 Posts: 90
Are You Accidentally Managing Your Nonprofits Technology Needs? Business Articles | March 3 Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , 2008
Are you spending nights worried about making your presentation to your nonprofit board and yet your printers and computers are failing? Have you spent the day fixing problems that really should not be...
Are you spending nights worried about making your presentation to your nonprofit board and yet your printers and computers are failing? Have you spent the day fixing problems that really should not be your problem? Are you feeling overwhelmed because somehow without you knowing it, you have become deemed technology support for your Nonprofit?
If that gives you stage fright, now imaging you are hired as the office assistant or the Executive Director of your Nonprofit organization. You still have the same issues working with your office equipment but I bet you are thinking that somehow, all of your organizations technology resources have become your responsibility! When the resources of a nonprofit organization are scarce and money and true funding do not really exist Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , an accidental techie situation is a reality. The accidental techie comes about because planning to handle technology was the last thing thought about when you or the organization started. when you and the organization have the same name and the same business function, then that probably means the organization is you. When this occurs to you, you need to step back and get an idea of what you need to do in order to survive. Do not try and solve all your lingering internet, office Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , voice and CRM technology needs all at the same time. Jump in to where there is an immediate need at the moment because if you try and do all the projects at once nothing will get done. Look at the immediate problem areas technically and start addressing those areas first. Take a systematic approach and go for a strong solution that you can demonstrate a strong return on the money you may be asking your board to spend money on. In other cases you need to get someone to help you. As a business system analyst from the corporate world, I recommend that you get out of this no win situation by following this step-by-step outline to creating an effective system.
You first need to get a comprehensive review of your operating environment. Your opening move is to develop a picture of your current business operation. This includes your entire internet, out of office and in office technology needs. Second, look around and review your support staff Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , if you have a staff that is. Next establish how you presently make use of and purchase your technology and related computer equipment. Then start thinking about how your organization is protecting itself from disasters and data loss. Finally do some reflection and define how are you managing your technology support role? Have you decide if what you do is effective or is it beyond providing real help anymore.
Next we move on to another piece of building yourself, a get out of technology jail card. You then need to build management support for your technology support work. When the organization you work for equates to a one for one situation, then you should evaluate what your time is worth. When you do this, you have a basis for making sound decisions. Are you spending time doing things that hamper your true mission? If you have a nonprofit board then as the default techie who is really the accidental techie Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , you have to confront the problem of educating and influencing your organizational policies and measures. You are doing this because you are lacking the foresight or real authority to do so but you have a powerful mission and you can show the value. Your board probably does not understand the need for technology support or the board believes you can do it just like the last person in your role. You need to find a way to make them understand what is at risk if you stay in the role.
Once you complete this process you will know your overall needs. At this point you will have progressed to where you will need funding and it could be a small request to fix an immediate problem. If your nonprofit is growing or your group is a larger organization then you may need to develop a formal request to your non profit board.
Article Tags: Technology Needs, Technology Support, Accidental Techie
Internet Marketing The Howard Stern Way - What He Can Teach You About Successful Marketing! Internet Articles | October 6, 2006
Howard is ugly Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , rude, and obnoxious. But why is he so popular and almost everybody in the United States heard of his name? Read on to find out how you can adapt his traits to make yourself a successful internet marketer!
He is loud, obnoxious, rude Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , ugly, and the list goes one! Characteristics that are usually not associated with success. But why is he rich and why is he so popular? Read the rest of this article to see why you need to implement his characteristics for your internet marketing.
Now when I say this, I don?t mean going out on the internet and blatantly pissing everyone off about their religion, race Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , sexuality, physical deformity, etc. and attacking every other opinion that doesn?t complement your own.
What the title means is that you if you truly feel passionate about your product or service don?t be afraid to let your customers know! Some people may be offended by your message and what you stand for, but don?t let that slow you down.
Just remember that just being you right now Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , at this very moment, is offending some people. They may be offended by you being Chinese, your British accent, the pink shirts you like to wear Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | , get over it!
You cann. Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! | Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registred or enter the forums! |